Bicycle event

【ラボ】 DURA-ACE Histories
[開催日] 2019/01/01
ロードレース用コンポ フラッグシップモデル 「デュラエース」の歴史 /
The histories of DURA-ACE - The flagship components of road racing.

【 歴史 / History 】
The first DURA-ACE
[ プロロードレースへの挑戦 ]
• リア5スピード
• リアディレイラーは既存の「CRANE」を採用
[ Challenging to Professional Road Races ]
Shimano began developing components that would ensure victory in professional road races.
In 1965, following its advancement into the United States, Shimano next set eyes on Europe where professional races prospered.
In order to successfully enter the already mature market with strong competition from long-standing manufacturers, Shimano began its challenge in a new genre—high-grade components for racing.
The completed component series was named “DURA-ACE”, derived from “duralumin”, the component’s material, and “durability”, together with the term “ace”, to be number one.
The components were sent off to professional teams to be used under realistic and harsh conditions for further improvements in quality and functionality.
This resulted in outstanding technological advancements for Shimano.
• 5-speed (rear)
• Existing CRANE was adopted for the rear derailleur.
[ シマノシステムコンポーネンツの確立 ]
“ 原点のコンポ”と謳われ、数々の画期的な先進機能を搭載し、レース用パーツの無限の可能性に挑戦。
そして原点のコンポDURA-ACE EXがデビュー。
• リア6 スピード
• 11Tトップギア / カセットフリーハブ
[ Establishing Shimano System Components ]
Incorporating many cutting-edge functions, the series was dubbed as “components that
meet the original concept.”
Challenge the unlimited possibilities of racing parts.
Thinking about all parts such as derailleur, gear, chain, etc., and started to pursue the interaction of parts.
The concept of "system components", which can be said to be the foundation in modern times, was born in this way.
And the origin compo DURA-ACE EX made its debut.
Equipped with revolutionary advanced features such as 11T top gear and cassette freehub.
• 6-speed (rear)
• 11T top gear /cassette free hub
[ シマノ・エアロダイナミクス ]
徹底的に各部品のエアロ形状と軽量化を進め、ついにはその開発スピードを速めるために、巨額の資金を投入して社内に風洞実験室まで準備。そして、わずか半年という開発期間でDURA-ACE AXシリーズが誕生。
しかしデビュー後、DURA-ACE AXは市場でお客様の満足を得ることができず、その終わりを迎えました。
• リア7スピード
[ Shimano Aerodynamics ]
To reduce air resistance, Shimano adopted an innovative idea: applying aerodynamics.
The components developed with this innovative idea significantly inf luenced the racing world of the day.Since entering the European market in 1973, Shimano had slowly built recognition but had not yet achieved widespread acceptance.
In the search to develop revolutionary functions for the bicycle, the focus landed on aerodynamics to decrease “air resistance”—Shimano set focus on the development on such components.
For the thorough establishment of aerodynamic design and weight deduction, as well as the shortening of development time, Shimano invested a large sum for an in-house wind tunnel laboratory. In a span of just six month, the DURA-ACE AX Series was born.
The proudly revealed products were accepted with surprise from the public.
However, since its debut, the DURA-ACE AX Series failed to meet customer satisfaction and was brought to an end.
To this day, Shimano remembers this as a lesson, and continues to combine the efforts of planning, development and manufacturing to deliver captivating products.
• 7-speed (rear)
DURA-ACE 7400シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 7400 Series
[ レースに勝つための“システムコンポーネンツ” ]
ギアの位置決め機構・SIS(Shimano Index System)は、後の変速システムに大きな影響を与えました。
シフトレバーに位置決め機構を内蔵した革新のSIS(Shimano Index System)。
• リア8 スピード
• SIS(Shimano Index System)
• SLR ブレーキシステム
[ System Components to Ensure Victory ]
SIS (Shimano Index System) for positioning the speed change gear led to a radical change in shifting systems.
An innovative SIS (Shimano Index System) with a positioning mechanism built into the shift lever.
Until then, SIS was proposed as a "function to win" while the advanced shifting technique of the rider influenced the race.
This index system is now standard for all shifts.
• 8-speed (rear)
• SIS (Shimano Index System)
• SLR brake system
DURA-ACE 7700シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 7700 Series
[ Stress-Free Concept ]
ライダーの視点に立ち、「Stress-Free Concept to Win」の基に開発。
• リア9 スピード
• HOLLOWTECH クランクセット
[ Stress-Free Concept ]
The series features light weight, about 500 grams lighter than previous models.
At the same time, higher rigidity was also achieved through the development of HOLLOWTECH cranksets.
Developed from the viewpoint of the rider, based on "Stress-Free Concept to Win".
A total of 500g weight reduction, hollow structure HOLLOW TECH crank and rear 9 speed system are adopted.
Along with the beautiful silver-shining appearance that captivates riders, we have further refined precision, outstanding durability and accumulated reliability to release all riders from stress.
• 9-speed (rear)
• HOLLOWTECH crankset
DURA-ACE 7800シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 7800 Series
[ 100% Power Transmission ]
リア10 スピード、HOLLOWTECHⅡクランクセットなど、あらゆる方向から基本性能の向上を図りました。
「100% Power Transmission」をコンセプトに、高精度リア10スピード・ドライブトレインを開発。
BB軸を一体化させたHOLLOWTECH IIクランクにより、相反する要素である剛性と軽量性を両立しながら優れた回転性能を実現。
• リア10 スピード
• エルゴノミック デュアルコントロールレバー
[ 100% Power Transmission Efficiency ]
This series was equipped with a rear 10-speed rear derailleur and HOLLOWTECH Ⅱ crankset, designed to significantly enhance performance.
Developed a high-precision rear 10-speed drivetrain based on the concept of "100% Power Transmission".
With the HOLLOWTECH II crank that integrates the BB axis, excellent rotational performance is achieved while achieving both the conflicting elements of rigidity and light weight.
The ergonomic dual control lever maximizes operability and shifting smoothness.
• 10-speed (rear)
• HOLLOWTECH Ⅱ crankset
• Ergonomic dual control lever
DURA-ACE 7900・7970シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 7900・7970 Series
[ Evolution of Perfection ]
HOLLOWGLIDE 中空ギアの採用やハンドル周りのシフトケーブルを内蔵化。
「Evolution of Perfection」を合言葉に、7800シリーズで積み上げた完成度に満足することなく、コンポーネンツのさらなる進化に挑戦。
• リア10 スピード
[ Evolution of Perfection ]
This series features a HOLLOWGLIDE hollow gear and integral shifting cables.
The entire design was reviewed to further enhance accuracy, rigidity, and smoothness of operation.
With the slogan of "Evolution of Perfection," we challenge the further evolution of components without being satisfied with the degree of perfection accumulated in the 7800 series.
The entire system was fundamentally reviewed to pursue unmatched shifting performance and reliability.
Including the hollow structure HOLLOW GLIDE front chainring, it has achieved the ultimate high precision, high rigidity and smoothness that is the cornerstone of the Di2 system.
• 10-speed (rear)
• HOLLOWGLIDE hollow gear
DURA-ACE 7970 Di2シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 7970 Di2 Series
[ Di2(Digital Integrated Intelligence) ]
Di2(Digital Integrated Intelligence)コンセプトの基、コンポーネンツにエレクトリック・シフティングシステムというイノベーションを融合。
• リア10 スピード
• フロントオートトリム
Based on the Di2 (Digital Integrated Intelligence) concept, the components are combined with an innovation called an electric shifting system.
In 2011, in the Tour de France, the podium of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall was monopolized.
It proved its outstanding operational performance, reliability, and advantage for a new victory.
[ Di2 (Digital Integrated Intelligence) ]
New potential was developed by merging Shimano’s metal processing technology with electronics.
The series proved its overwhelming advantage in actual road races.
• 10-speed (rear)
• Front auto-trim
DURA-ACE 9000シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 9000 Series
[ Shift your expectations ]
「Shift Your Expections」次なるステージへ。
• リア11 スピード
• 4アームクランクセット
[ Shift Your Expectations ]
The 9000 series was developed based on the key concepts of “3Cs”: Concentration, Control, and Confidence.
"Shift Your Expections" To the next stage.
With the 3Cs of "Concentration", "Control (operability)" and "Confidence (reliability)" that are necessary elements to win, the endless pursuit and challenge for evolution find new answers.
4-arm crankset that controls the ideal stress, low friction polymer coating cable that realizes amazing smoothness, innovative braking system that synchronizes with the rider's fingertips while boasts overwhelming braking power, and system components to further height Lead.
• 11-speed (rear)
• 4-arm crankset
DURA-ACE 9070 Di2シリーズ /
DURA-ACE 9070 Di2 Series
[ Shift your expectations ]
2013年9070 Di2シリーズをリリース。
9000 シリーズの完成度に、さらなる進化を遂げたエレクトロニクス技術が融合。
• リア11 スピード
• E-tube、ビルトインバッテリー
[ Shift Your Expectations ]
2013 Released 9070 Di2 series.The 9070 series, developed by merging the technology of the 9000 series with further advanced electronics technology, featured light weight and a wide variety of expansion switches.
• 11-speed (rear)
• E-tube, built-in battery
DURA-ACE R9100シリーズ /
DURA-ACE R9100 Series
[ System Supremacy ]
「System Supremacy」至高のシステム。
• リア11スピード
• パワーメーター/ HOLLOWTECHⅡクランクセット
[ System Supremacy ]
The R9100 has made the leap to the supreme system achieving absolutely unrivaled performance features including superb control by the disc brake system.
"System Supremacy" Supreme system.
In addition to maximizing the accuracy and function of each part to maximize the performance as system components, we also pursue a sense of unity between the rider and the motorcycle.
Strongly bring out the hidden potential and produce the maximum synergy effect.
Evolution into an ideal system that minimizes any loss that occurs between input and output.
• 11-speed (rear)
• HOLLOWTECH II crankset with power meter
DURA-ACE R9150 Di2・R9170シリーズ (ロードディスクブレーキシステム) /
DURA-ACE R9150 Di2・R9170 Series (Road disc brake system)
R9100シリーズの卓越したパフォーマンスをベースに、圧倒的なストレスフリーでレースの世界ではスタンダードとなったDi2システムは、直感的でシンプルな変速操作が可能なシンクロナイズド・シフティングを新たな機能に加え、E-TUBE PROJECTは、ワイヤレスユニットにより、さらにユーザーフレンドリーに進化。
Based on the outstanding performance of the R9100 series, the Di2 system, which became overwhelmingly stress-free and became the standard in the world of racing, added synchronized shifting with intuitive and simple gear shifting operations to new functions, and E -TUBE PROJECT has evolved to be more user-friendly with the wireless unit.
In addition, the road disc brake system is adopted to control the powerful braking force freely in all situations.
Challenged, trained and refined in road racing, DURA-ACE is aiming to greatly expand the future as a new world standard.